Forbes' 4 Top Security Concerns on The Minds of Millennials

When it comes to cybersecurity, millennials are a radically different generation. They’re far more tech savvy than their older generational counterparts, but various pieces of research show that they worry less about being the target of a hack or a breach. Does this mean that millennials don’t care about cybersecurity, or that they represent a bigger risk in the workforce? Some articles might lead you to believe this, but in reality, millennials just have a different perspective—and different priorities.

Why Millennials See Cybersecurity Differently

First, let’s consider why millennials see cybersecurity differently:

Growing up with technology. Millennials grew up with technology, and came of age when the first social media platforms were emerging. Technology isn’t as new to them, and because they’ve spent more time interacting with it, they generally have more familiarity with the types of threats to watch out for.

Less business experience. Millennials also have less business experience and more personal experience with technology. Accordingly, their views take on a more personal perspective, prioritizing individual efforts over organization-wide changes.

Secondary and cultural factors. Another part of the split here is millennials’ lack of interest in cybersecurity; only 7 percent of cybersecurity workers are under age 29, which is in part due to millennials believing a cybersecurity-focused education is necessary to enter the field. It may also be due to other generational factors, such as different values and beliefs.

Main Concerns

So what are the main concerns that millennials have about cybersecurity, if they differ so strongly from those of baby boomers and Gen Xers?

Read it on Forbes.

Source: Forbers